Saturday, April 25, 2009

Obama Press Conference To Disrupt Airing Of Criminal Minds

This was posted by our lovely Bianca33 on the TBL forum:
In the US, President Obama has scheduled a live press conference for 8pm EST on Wednesday. We are not sure yet how that will affect the air time for this episode. The press conference is scheduled for an hour, but we don’t know if all shows will be pushed back an hour and /or if the networks will have follow up programming after the press conference itself. People planning on DVRing this show should be aware that the times may be off. We will keep you posted if we hear more.
In the meantime you can read more about the press conference and it’s affect on May Sweeps in this Washington Post article: Obama May Sweep Aside TV Schedule

1 comment:

  1. What????? Man I swear someone up there really has it against our boy Alex!
