Thursday, April 23, 2009

Calling all House of Night fans over 18!!!

"Nerd Herd, party of 2..."

That's how it's been in the HoN section of the TBL forum! Moo and I are House of Night obsessed, and we've been searching for HoN discussions geared toward the adult fans. So if you're over 18 and are looking for a place to discuss this series, post your "Fantasy Cast", or share any HoN news, then drop in and join us at the TruBloodLine forum!


  1. Party of 2, HEY!!!!!! I'm almost done with book 4 and way qualify for the over 18!

  2. BUT you haven't said much about it, so we weren't sure if you wanted to be part of the "Nerd Herd" or not.. : /

  3. Well, are you in or not? You haven't been commenting too much about your HoN experience..;)
