Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"True Blood" Premiere Brings in the Viewers

According to hitfix.com Sunday (June 14) night's second season premiere of the Southern Gothic vampire soap "True Blood" was one for the HBO's record books.

In its first airing, the "True Blood" premiere drew 3.7 million viewers, making it HBO's most watched program since a little show called "The Sopranos" ended its run on June 10, 2007.

You can probably do the math and make the assumption that the 9 p.m. premiere was also the largest "True Blood" audience to date, up a whopping 157 percent from the show's series premiere last September and also up by 51 percent over the Season One finale last November.

Factoring in an 11 p.m. airing, HBO reports that "True Blood" drew 5.1 million viewers for its Sunday gross audience, also a series record. The weekly gross audience for the series will only increase as additional reairings and OnDemand viewership are taken into account.

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